Saturday, October 27, 2012

The {S} Family

Oh my goodness...this family was so sweet and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  It was a really cold, windy day but they took some fabulous pictures.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Scott Mansion Wedding

A beautiful couple, a beautiful day, a beautiful wedding.  At the Scott Mansion in Tellico Plains. I got to second shoot this wedding with the amazing Brittany Ann Photography.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Preschool Pictures

I had the joy of taking fall preschool pictures this year at my son's school.  It was such a fun day!  Of course, I can only show my son's picture.  But this gives you an idea how the day went...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby {J} 1 year

I have taken pictures of this baby girl since she was 3 months old.  I can't believe she is already a year.  She is going to be a heart breaker!  Love this family.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The {W} family

I loved this session!  Such a fun family.  It was a beautiful autumn day for pictures.  One of the boys was such a trooper...he had to go to the ER after the pictures and come to find out, he needed his appendix removed!  Praying for his fast recovery.  
Such a beautiful family! 

Baby {T} 6 months

Hard to believe my baby boy is 6 months old!  Growing every day.  Love his little personality.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The {W} Family

 I got to photograph a cute couple and their HUGE dog!  I had never met this couple before.  They were so sweet and welcoming into their home.  I had so much fun with them.  Thanks so much for asking me to photograph you and your first home.